5-6 September 2024
Hilton Sydney Australia
It's a wrap!
The International Dementia Conference 2024: In the Arena was held 5-6 September 2024.
IDC2024 was an incredible two days filled with the stories and expertise of those wrestling with dementia IN THE ARENA.
Now we're planning IDC2026!
Be the first to know about our date, venue, speakers and topics PLUS stay in the loop with all the latest from The Dementia Centre.
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What we’re about
The International Dementia Conference is a biannual conference that has informed and driven dementia care discussion for more than two decades.
Over two dynamic days, global experts, industry leaders and those with lived experience bring the latest complex dementia, palliative care and positive ageing research, practice and insights from around the world to share with the most engaged aged and health care professionals.
There are highly-respected speakers, expert panels, a huge range of concurrent sessions and networking opportunities to provoke discussion and inspire action among those committed to improving the care of people living with dementia.
The event is run by The Dementia Centre, established by HammondCare almost 30 years ago to help improve the physical and social environments of people living with dementia through research, consultancy and training.